Nice Photographers Wear Dresses Too!
Juliana Beasley written up in local Sete Newspaper in France, September, 2009.
I thought I would throw up this post. I was written up in the local newspaper of Sete, France where I am working on a photo art residence....if you are catching up on prior entries. I am making a book in a month which I believe should be a reality show for photographers called the obvious, "Survival Photo Book in 4 Weeks".
I am not happy with the part in my hair. It was one of the sweaty days when I pulled my greasy hair back; hence, the zig-zag part was not intended. Where was my stylist. At least, I got the dress right! Who says women photographers don't where dresses and cannot get the job done? All lies!!!
I can actually read this piece that was written by Laurence Laden who was kind enough to take a morning to hear me blather on in circles about what I don't know. And she made sense of it in French. Problem, now is that the type is so small and I am too busy that I will not be able to translate it. But, heck, I'm happy with the title. It seems to suit me more than any of the subjects here.
Well, I'm in the final stretch, y'all. Got some lasting photos to show before I call it quits and hopefully a flip video.
To look at the article in larger form just click on the newspaper article and voila, all in francais!
You look great, all waif and pixie like. So French!
And the pictures look great too - it'll be the best book yet.
Good luck with the rest of the stay.
Reminds me of Diane Arbus in a certain way.
And congratulations on the article! Tres cool.
Thanks Pagani and Colin. Yes, I was still waif like then before all that jambon cruds and beurre on pain.
i made the retardo mistake of not following your advice and gaining two sizes by way of chocolate and pastries. however, i did eat almost one glace a day and sat near the canal and took in the fresh air.
best yet? are you pulling my leg?
Best book on Sete yet - for sure!
you the best booby!
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